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Mountain ranges / Kamnik Savinja Alps / Vaško / Brezje pri Tržiču - Vaško (eastern path)

Brezje pri Tržiču - Vaško (eastern path)

Starting point: Brezje pri Tržiču (677 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.35922°N 14.27532°E 
Destination: Vaško (1046 m)
Path name: eastern path
Time of walking: 1 h 5 min
Difficulty: easy unmarked way
Difficulty of skiing: no data
Altitude difference: 369 m
Altitude difference (by path): 369 m
Map: Karavanke - osrednji del 1:50.000
Views: 382
Trip rating: 1 votes
Number of pictures: 28
Access to starting point:
We drive to Bistrica pri Tržiču, and then we continue driving towards Begunje na Gorenjskem. When we get to the settlement Brezje pri Tržiču near the church of St. Neža, signs point us to the right on a steeper road in the direction of Dobrča. Only a little further, we park on a marked parking lot, by which there are hiking signposts.
Path description:
From the parking lot, we continue right in the direction of Bistriška planina (left - normal path on Dobrča) and we start ascending on a steep asphalt road. Higher, the asphalt ends and past the landslide slope we get to the vantage point, from which a nice view opens up towards Storžič, Kriška gora and Gorenjska. Here the road flattens and passes into the forest, and further we are ascending there diagonally. On the part, where the road widens and where they occasionally store some logs, from the road to the left an unmarked footpath branches off, on which we continue. Next follows an ascent through the forest, and when the path turns a little to the right, we go past an older trough, after which for some time we get into a smaller valley, where we go past interesting conglomerate rocks, and then we reach a side macadam road which we follow to the left. The road soon splits into two wider cart tracks, and we continue on the right, which starts ascending. After a short ascent, the cart track turns right and it starts ascending diagonally. After the turn we go from a wider cart track sharply to the left on a little narrower cart track, to which few 10 strides ahead from the left joins the cart track which branched off from the wider cart track at the right turn.
Then follows few minutes of a diagonal ascent, and when we reach the southeastern ridge of Dobrča, we go right and on a beaten footpath in few minutes we ascend on Vaško, one of the peaks of Dobrča.
Description and pictures refer to a condition in May 2020.
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