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Črni Vrh - Pasja ravan

Starting point: Črni Vrh (830 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.0885°N 14.2542°E 
Time of walking: 1 h
Difficulty: easy marked way
Difficulty of skiing: easily
Altitude difference: 190 m
Altitude difference (by path): 235 m
Map: Škofjeloško in Cerkljansko hribovje 1:50.000
Views: 45,538
Trip rating: 7 votes
Number of pictures: 28
Access to starting point:
From Horjul or Dobrova we drive to Polhov Gradec, and then we continue driving towards Črni Vrh. Further, we drive on an ascending road which we then follow to the fire station on Črni Vrh, by which we also park. Parking in front of the door of fire station is prohibited.
Path description:
From the fire station in Črni Vrh, we continue on the asphalt road in the direction of agrotourism Košir. The road at first leads over panoramic slopes, and then passes into the forest, where we soon come at the marked crossing, where the path which leads on Tošč branches off to the right. We continue straight and we still continue on the road, and it soon brings us out of the forest, where in front of us we already clearly see slopes of Pasja ravan. A little further, we step on a smaller saddle, from which a nice view opens up on hills of Škofjeloško hribovje.
On the saddle near the agrotourism Košir, we continue at first straight, and then at the smaller crossroad slightly left in the direction of Pasja ravan. We continue on an ascending road which soon passes into the forest, and we follow it only few minutes, because then by the road we notice signs for Pasja ravan, which point us right on a marked footpath. The mentioned path, which is moderately to steeply ascending through the forest, we then follow all the way to an ample peak.
Trip can be extended to: Sivka
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