Dom Planincev v Logarski dolini - Rjavčki vrh (Planinšca)
Starting point: Dom Planincev v Logarski dolini (837 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.3836°N 14.6216°E 
Time of walking: 2 h 55 min
Difficulty: partly demanding marked way, easy pathless terrain
Difficulty of skiing: no data
Altitude difference: 1061 m
Altitude difference (by path): 1061 m
Map: Kamniške in Savinjske Alpe 1:50.000
Access to starting point:
A) Over mountain pass Volovljek (Kranjski Rak) or from Mozirje we drive to Luče, and from there we continue driving towards the valley Logarska dolina. Few kilometers after the settlement Solčava we will get to a crossroad, where we turn left in the direction of valley Logarska dolina (toll payment). Further, we drive through Logarska dolina, and we drive to the mountain hut Dom planincev in Logarska dolina. We park on a parking lot on the left side of the road. Parking lot on the right side is intended for guests of the mountain hut Dom Planincev.
B) Over the border crossing Jezerski vrh we drive to Austria, there into a valley of Bela / Vellach we turn right in the direction of border crossing Pavličev vrh (Pavličevo sedlo) / Paulitchsattel. When we get to Slovenian side we at first descend to a valley, and then at the crossroad a little before Solčava we turn right towards the valley Logarska dolina (toll payment). Further, we drive through Logarska dolina, and we drive to the mountain hut Dom planincev in Logarska dolina. We park on a parking lot on the left side of the road. Parking lot on the right side is intended for guests of the mountain hut Dom Planincev.
C) We drive to Črna na Koroškem (to here from Ravne na Koroškem or from Šoštanj through the mountain pass Spodnje Sleme), and then we continue driving towards Luče. At first asphalt road, higher becomes a macadam and it brings us to the crossroad of several roads on the mountain pass Spodnje Sleme. We continue on the main road which starts diagonally descending towards the settlement Podolševa. Lower at the crossroad we turn sharply left (right Solčava panorama road - to the starting point we can get to also on this road, in this case, we join the road through the mountain pass Pavličev Vrh) in the direction of Solčava. When we descend into Solčava, at the crossroad, where we join the main road we continue right. Few kilometers after the settlement Solčava we will get to a crossroad, where we turn left in the direction of valley Logarska dolina (toll payment). Further, we drive through Logarska dolina, and we drive to the mountain hut Dom planincev in Logarska dolina. We park on a parking lot on the left side of the road. Parking lot on the right side is intended for guests of the mountain hut Dom Planincev.
Path description:
From the parking lot, we continue on the main road which leads us over a bridge, and after the bridge signs for Klemenča jama point us to the left on the forest road, on which we continue, and in few minutes it brings us to a crossroad, where we continue right in the direction of Klemenča jama. From the crossroad, we walk on the road only a short time because we then continue left on at first wide and gentle mountain path. Few steps ahead, the path passes on a slope and gradually starts ascending steeper and steeper. Steep path further is ascending on a steep slope, and then crosses a torrent gully and a little further also a stream. After the small stream, the path becomes even steeper and is ascending on a very steep slope, which is mainly in wet dangerous for slipping. A little less than an hour of walking from the starting point, we get to the bench by a well and only a little further to a crossing, where we join the path from the starting point Na razpotju.
Here the steepness decreases and we continue slightly upwards on the wide path, which soon brings us out of the forest. From here follows only a shorter ascent on a grassy slope to the mountain hut Koča na Klemenči jami below Ojstrica.
From the mountain hut where there is a marked crossing we continue straight in the direction of Ojstrica (left Strelovec and Krofička) on the path which after few 10 meters goes into the forest. Through the forest, we are moderately to steeply ascending, and higher the path brings us below the rocky cliffs. The path soon avoids the cliffs to the right and it brings us to a crossing, where we continue straight towards Škarje, and to the left very demanding path Kopinškova pot (Kopinšek route) on Ojstrica branches off. The path then still crosses slopes towards the west, and then it comes out of the forest and turns slightly to the left. Here it starts ascending a little steeper by the scree, then turns to the right and it ascends towards the saddle below Rjavčki vrh (1898 meters).
On the saddle (possible also already a little before) we leave the marked path and we continue the ascent right on easier pathless terrain. After approximately 10 minutes of ascent on a partly grassy slope, we reach dwarf pined Rjavčki vrh, from which a nice view opens up on mountains above the valley Logarska dolina.
The starting point - Koča na Klemenči jami 1:05, Koča na Klemenči jami - Rjavčki vrh 1:50.