Koča na Starem vrhu - Mladi vrh (via Stari vrh)
Starting point: Koča na Starem vrhu (1032 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.1713°N 14.1834°E 
Path name: via Stari vrh
Time of walking: 1 h 40 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Difficulty of skiing: no data
Altitude difference: 342 m
Altitude difference (by path): 550 m
Map: Škofjeloško in Cerkljansko hribovje, 1:50.000
Access to starting point:
We drive in Škofja Loka and we turn in the direction Železniki. In the village Praprotno, just after the inn »Pr Birt« we turn left on a side road in the direction of STC Stari vrh and on a narrow, but all the time asphalt road, through the settlement Zapreval we drive all the way to the parking place at the upper station of 6 seater chairlift or to the inn and boarding house Gostišče in penzion Stari Vrh.
Path description:
From the parking lot, we step few meters back on the road, on which we came from, to a poorly visible footpath which is rising steeply on a meadow (in the winter time a ski slope) diagonally to the left upwards to the edge of a meadow (here the blazes begin) and then it leads us very steeply upwards on the left edge of a meadow to the upper station of a ski lift, where we notice start cabin and next to it a newer log cabin – snack bar »Na vrhu«.
we bypass the start cabin on the right side and soon behind it we see the blaze and caption on a wooden sign »razgledišče 10 min« (viewpoint). We follow a poorly visible footpath which soon quite steeply ascends and leads us mostly on the ridge, where it few times very steeply ascends on an individual rocky peak and then from there again equally steeply descends, until it brings us to the previously mentioned vantage point, where there is a bench and inscription book. From this spot a nice view opens up on the valley Poljanska dolina, which later isn't visible anymore.
From the viewpoint the path steeply descends to the saddle between Stari vrh and Mladi vrh and then it again equally steeply ascends mostly on the edge of the slope and on a wide ridge of Mladi vrh. A little above the saddle we run into some fallen trees and branches, and immediately after them we see a newly made bad forest road which we only cross and we continue with the steep ascent. About 500 meters below the summit on a sign attached on a tree there is a warning »tišina, gamsi« (be quiet, chamois). Because of the leaves, an entirely quiet walk unfortunately isn't possible, because in many places the leaves are to the ankles deep and we need to pay attention, because we don't see the grounding (rocks, roots) or the edge of the footpath, and a clumsy step could cause quite a nasty fall or slipping on a substantial steepness.
On the summit of Mladi vrh there is a small, little wobbly bench, an inscription book and a stamp, and the view is because of the trees quite limited, entirely open it is only towards the east. From the top leads a marked footpath further in the direction of Blegoš.
We return on the same path to the saddle between Mladi and Stari vrh, and here we can decide either to return on the ascent path, or we choose the easier (unmarked) path, which on the saddle barely visibly branches off to the left and leads on the northern slope of Stari vrh.
The turn-off is marked on a tree with a big letter »S« and an arrow, and once again »S« on the next tree on the left side of this footpath. After few 10 meters the footpath widens and becomes clearly visible and left below us through rare trees we see a forest road which otherwise brings us almost to the before mentioned saddle. After few minutes of walking, the footpath again narrows and becomes barely visible and all the time in a moderate ascent leads on a steep slope. Later, the footpath again widens, it is slowly changing into a wider, abandoned bad forest road or a cart track which is becoming wider and better visible. From our path twice other cart tracks branch off right upwards, which lead upwards, and we are moderately descending and we soon below in front of us notice the upper station of a six-seater chairlift and a parking lot.
General impression of the path: Technically undemanding path, but strenuous because of the steepness and in fog in parts orientationally difficult, in wet because of a lot of leaves and the steepness it is dangerous for slipping. The path is well marked with trail blazes and signs of European footpath, and the footpath itself is (in the autumn, because of a lot of leaves) larger part hard to follow, occasionally practically invisible. We all the time walk in a rare beech forest, there isn't much of a view neither on the way nor at the top.