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Lozice - Grmada (Nanos)

Starting point: Lozice (300 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 45.785°N 14.003°E 
Time of walking: 2 h 35 min
Difficulty: easy unmarked way
Difficulty of skiing: no data
Altitude difference: 909 m
Altitude difference (by path): 909 m
Map: Nanos 1:50.000
Views: 4,505
Trip rating: 1 votes
Number of pictures: 59
Access to starting point:
A) From highway Ljubljana - Koper, we go to the exit Razdrto, and then we continue driving on the old road towards Nova Gorica. After Razdrto the road starts steeply descending, and we follow it to a crossroad, where left downwards for public traffic closed road towards Lozice branches off, and the road towards the former building site of highway branches off to the right (mentioned crossroad is located near road sign 7 km, by the crossroad there are also signs for Nanos). Because in mentioned crossroad we are not alowed to turn left or right, is better, that we leave car already few 100 meters higher, on one of the many parking lots by the road.
B) From highway Nova Gorica - Razdrto, we go to the exit Vipava, and then we continue driving on the old road towards Razdrto. Further, we drive through Podnanos and past the turn-off of the road which leads on Nanos. From the mentioned crossroad, we follow the main road only 2 km, and then we get to a crossroad, where sharply right and steep downwards for public traffic closed road towards Lozice branches off, and to the left a road towards the former building site of highway (mentioned crossroad is located near road sign 7 km, by the crossroad there are also signs for Nanos). Because in mentioned crossroad we are not alowed to turn left or right, is better, that we leave car already few 100 meters lower, on one of the many parking lots by the road.
Path description:
From the starting point at first we walk to in the description to the starting point mentioned crossroad, and from there we continue on an ascending road, by which there are also signs for Nanos. The road at first steeply ascends, after that for some time flattens and leads us below viaducts of the nearby highway. Some 10 meters ahead, we get to at the unmarked crossroad, where we continue sharply right on the road which gets very close a highway.
When on the right side we notice transmitters (transmitters in fog won't be seen), on the left side of the road, we notice signs for Nanos, which point us to the left. Further, we are ascending through a lane of bushes to the nearby of a meadow, where the path quickly brings us to the nearby "source". Above the source path turns left in low forest, through which starts at first gently, and then moderately ascending. Higher, we reach a little wider path, which we immediately leave because blazes point us to left on a gradually steeper footpath. Some 10 meters higher we cross another cart track, and the path which gradually turns to the left, already becomes a little steeper. Next follows a diagonal ascent towards the left and the path brings us to "loziško počivalo", where from the left joins the path from Podnanos (starting point Hrašče).
Here we continue right in the direction of the hunting cottage, and relatively wide path, in numerous zig-zags leads over steeper and steeper slopes. A relatively steep path, occasionally leads over quite panoramic slopes, from which a nice view opens up towards Vipavska brda. Higher, we get to a little more demanding part, where otherwise wide path ascends diagonally over short exposed slope (mainly in snow and ice is straight dangerous for slipping). Above exposed traverse we get to a marked crossing, where we continue sharply right in the direction of "Strmec" (left downwards Podnanos, straight hunting cottage Vojkovo).
The path ahead becomes pretty steep and much less beaten, but orientationally not very demanding. Higher, the path brings us out of the forest and after the slope break entirely flattens. Here we continue straight on a barely visible footpath, on which in 2 minutes of additional walking, we join well-beaten and marked path hunting cottage Vojkovo - Vojkova koča na Nanosu.
When we reach the mentioned path we follow it to the right (left hunting cottage 10 minutes), and further it leads over grassy slopes, which are occasionally covered with bushes and individual pine trees. Easy and barely ascending path, then for a short time joins the road, but already after few steps leaves it. The path then avoids the road a little more to the right and starts moderately ascending on the more and more panoramic slopes of Nanos. Here from the right joins an unmarked path, which a little lower branched off to the right. The path ahead becomes slightly steeper and after few minutes of additional walking brings us to already from the far visible church of St. Hieronima.
From the church, we continue slightly right on the path which only a little higher from the right joins the gentle path from Razdrto. We continue in the direction of the mountain hut Vojkova koča on the path which only few steps ahead brings us on a less noticeable crossing, where the unmarked path on Grmada branches off to the left.
We go on the mentioned unmarked and a little poorly visible footpath which steeper ascends and soon brings us to a forest road which we only cross. We continue the ascent on a relatively steep path, which is ascending over more and more panoramic grassy slope. Higher, the path flattens a little and turns to the right, where gradually passes on an indistinct ridge, on which then in few minutes of additional walking, we ascend to the summit of Grmada.
On the way: Sveti Hieronim (1020m)
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