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Mountain ranges / Karawanks / Strana / Obrati Javornik (Slovenski Javornik) - Strana

Obrati Javornik (Slovenski Javornik) - Strana

Starting point: Obrati Javornik (Slovenski Javornik) (550 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.4274°N 14.0915°E 
Destination: Strana (711 m)
Time of walking: 30 min
Difficulty: easy unmarked way
Difficulty of skiing: no data
Altitude difference: 161 m
Altitude difference (by path): 161 m
Map: Karavanke - osrednji del 1 : 50.000
Author: heinz
Views: 931
Trip rating: 3 votes
Number of pictures: 42
Access to starting point:
From highway Ljubljana - Jesenice we go to the exit Lipce (Jesenice east), where we drive right towards Jesenice. At the first traffic light crossroad (settlement Slovenski Javornik) we turn right (direction Ljubljana) towards Koroška Bela. At the next crossroad with traffic lights we turn left, and soon after this once again left towards Javorniški Rovt. After a good 20 meters of additional driving, the main road turns right, and we continue straight over the bridge of the stream Javornik, and immediately after this we turn left on a large macadam parking lot.
Path description:
From the parking lot, we return back over a bridge of the stream Javornik, to the first house on the right side of the road. Opposite of it (on the left side) there are two houses between which there is a narrow macadam road. Here we cross the asphalt road and we go on the latter. Already after few steps, the road ascends, and a little higher it gets also an asphalt covering. The steepness quite quickly starts decreasing, and the road which leads past few houses, soon flattens. Here a view opens up on settlement Koroška Bela, and we short time still continue on this gentle and panoramic road past few houses on the left. Soon after the last house (Sončna pot 4), on the left we notice a footpath which is ascending on a forested slope of the hill. Here we leave the road and we continue on this footpath which leads us uphill, and at the same time, it is slightly turning at first to the right, and higher in line with the slope of the hill slightly towards the left. The footpath quickly brings us near the recreation center Kres and the road which comes there from the village. Still before would descend to the latter, at the crossing we continue straight, or slightly left on a cart track which is situated only a few meters higher on our slope. When we step on the cart track, we continue left, slightly uphill. Soon after the cart track starts descending and turning right, on the right side with some attention we get to a footpath which is steeply ascending on the eastern slope of the hill. We leave the cart track and we continue on this footpath which at first in few hairpin turns ascends towards the summit of Strana. When a little higher the steepness decreases, we get to a bench, and then a pleasant and in some parts panoramic path for the last time ascends a little steeper towards the summit of 711 meters high hill Strana.
Obrati Javornik (Slovenski Javornik) - Strana1
Obrati Javornik (Slovenski Javornik) - Strana2
Obrati Javornik (Slovenski Javornik) - Strana3
Obrati Javornik (Slovenski Javornik) - Strana4
Obrati Javornik (Slovenski Javornik) - Strana5
Obrati Javornik (Slovenski Javornik) - Strana6
Obrati Javornik (Slovenski Javornik) - Strana7
Obrati Javornik (Slovenski Javornik) - Strana8
Obrati Javornik (Slovenski Javornik) - Strana9
Obrati Javornik (Slovenski Javornik) - Strana10
Obrati Javornik (Slovenski Javornik) - Strana11
Obrati Javornik (Slovenski Javornik) - Strana12
Obrati Javornik (Slovenski Javornik) - Strana13
Obrati Javornik (Slovenski Javornik) - Strana14
Obrati Javornik (Slovenski Javornik) - Strana15
Obrati Javornik (Slovenski Javornik) - Strana16
Obrati Javornik (Slovenski Javornik) - Strana17
Obrati Javornik (Slovenski Javornik) - Strana18
Obrati Javornik (Slovenski Javornik) - Strana19
Obrati Javornik (Slovenski Javornik) - Strana20
Obrati Javornik (Slovenski Javornik) - Strana21
Obrati Javornik (Slovenski Javornik) - Strana22
Obrati Javornik (Slovenski Javornik) - Strana23
Obrati Javornik (Slovenski Javornik) - Strana24
Obrati Javornik (Slovenski Javornik) - Strana25
Obrati Javornik (Slovenski Javornik) - Strana26
Obrati Javornik (Slovenski Javornik) - Strana27
Obrati Javornik (Slovenski Javornik) - Strana28
Obrati Javornik (Slovenski Javornik) - Strana29
Obrati Javornik (Slovenski Javornik) - Strana30
Obrati Javornik (Slovenski Javornik) - Strana31
Obrati Javornik (Slovenski Javornik) - Strana32
Obrati Javornik (Slovenski Javornik) - Strana33
Obrati Javornik (Slovenski Javornik) - Strana34
Obrati Javornik (Slovenski Javornik) - Strana35
Obrati Javornik (Slovenski Javornik) - Strana36
Obrati Javornik (Slovenski Javornik) - Strana37
Obrati Javornik (Slovenski Javornik) - Strana38
Obrati Javornik (Slovenski Javornik) - Strana39
Obrati Javornik (Slovenski Javornik) - Strana40
Obrati Javornik (Slovenski Javornik) - Strana41
Obrati Javornik (Slovenski Javornik) - Strana42
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