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Mountain ranges / Karawanks / Ogrisalm/Vgrizeva planina / Ogris - Ogrisalm/Vgrizeva planina

Ogris - Ogrisalm/Vgrizeva planina

Starting point: Ogris (1180 m)
Time of walking: 1 h 15 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Difficulty of skiing: demanding
Altitude difference: 389 m
Altitude difference (by path): 389 m
Map: Karavanke - osrednji del 1:50.000
Views: 4,801
Trip rating: 1 votes
Number of pictures: 12
Access to starting point:
We drive to a border crossing Ljubelj and ahead on the Austrian side. Soon after that, when on the left side of the road, we notice a smaller church road towards the village Žabnica / Bodental branches off to the left. At the crossroad for village Slovenji Plajberk / Windisch Bleiberg we turn left towards Žabnica / Bodental. In Žabnica / Bodental we come to mountain signposts for Celovška koča / Klagenfurter Hütte left and right. We go right and follow the road ahead to the next crossroad, where we turn left. We follow this road to a smaller parking lot, where the unmarked path from inn Podnar / Bodenbauer joins (further driving is forbidden).
Path description:
From the parking lot, we continue past the gate on a road which in the initial part offers quite a nice view. The road goes then in the forest and it brings us to a crossing, where we turn left on a cart track. We follow the cart track ahead slightly upwards to a crossing of a two cart tracks. We go on a slightly right marked cart track which then starts changing into a footpath which starts to ascend steeper. The path after a shorter ascent brings us on a ridge, where the path turns left and continues at first on and after by the ridge. After that, the path passes on steep slopes which we cross without large ascents. Further, we cross a shorter partly already overgrown scree after which the path again starts ascending and it soon brings us to a grazing fence of the mountain pasture Vgriz which we reach in few minutes of additional walking. On the mountain pasture, where there stands a shepherd hut a beautiful view opens up.
Ogris - Ogrisalm/Vgrizeva planina1
Ogris - Ogrisalm/Vgrizeva planina2
Ogris - Ogrisalm/Vgrizeva planina3
Ogris - Ogrisalm/Vgrizeva planina4
Ogris - Ogrisalm/Vgrizeva planina5
Ogris - Ogrisalm/Vgrizeva planina6
Ogris - Ogrisalm/Vgrizeva planina7
Ogris - Ogrisalm/Vgrizeva planina8
Ogris - Ogrisalm/Vgrizeva planina9
Ogris - Ogrisalm/Vgrizeva planina10
Ogris - Ogrisalm/Vgrizeva planina11
Ogris - Ogrisalm/Vgrizeva planina12
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