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Mountain ranges / Julian Alps / Planina Osredki / Pod Luknjo - Planina Osredki

Pod Luknjo - Planina Osredki

Starting point: Pod Luknjo (950 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.2488°N 13.9145°E 
Time of walking: 1 h 15 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Difficulty of skiing: partly demanding
Altitude difference: 450 m
Altitude difference (by path): 450 m
Map: TNP 1:50.000
Views: 5,018
Trip rating: 1 votes
Number of pictures: 12
Access to starting point:
From highway Ljubljana - Jesenice we go to the exit Lesce and follow the road towards Bled and forward towards Bohinjska Bistrica. From Bohinjska Bistrica we continue left in the direction of Tolmin and Soriška planina. Soon we will by the road notice signs for Črna prst right, but we continue straight. Only a little later we come to a crossroad, where a signpost points us to the right towards the village Ravne. We go on this road which brings us to the end of the village, where the asphalt ends. Further, we continue on a macadam road which leads us past the former mountain hut Dom dr. Janeza Mencingerja (today private house). We follow this road for approximately 4km to the spot, where from the right side joins a worse forest road (nearby is a hunting observatory, numerous cart tracks and mountain signpost for Črna prst). We park on one of the smaller parking lots by the road, but the way that we don't hinder forestry work.
Path description:
Because of forestry work and consequently numerous of cart tracks, it is relatively hard to find the beginning of the path. Between hunting observatory and mountain signpost for Črna prst are three bigger cart tracks, which from the road go to the left upwards (direction of our arrival). We choose "first" so the one, which is the closest to the hunting observatory (mountain sign for Črna prst point us on "last" cart track, but if we will go in the direction of this sign we will quickly go astray).
So if we decided for the ascent on "first" cart track we will already after few minutes of ascent notice blazes (path comes diagonally from "last" cart track and is entirely overgrown). A wide cart track we then follow a little towards the left, but only to a spot, where blazes point us to the right on a little narrower cart track. Further, the orientation is much easier, because the labyrinth of cart tracks ends. From occasionally a little more steep path soon marked path towards the mountain hut Orožnova koča branches off to the left.
We continue straight on a cart track which higher brings us into a smaller valley through which we ascend to a forest road (to here we need approximately 30 minutes). When we step on the road, we continue few steps to the left, after that mountain sign for Črna prst points us right in the forest, where starts to ascend steeply. The path a little higher crosses an overgrown clearing (fern and raspberry bushes) and then returns into the forest, where we continue all the way to the mountain pasture Osredki.
Trip can be extended to: Četrt (1 h 45 min) , Črna prst (1 h 15 min) , Konjski vrh (2 h) , Poljanski vrh (2 h 15 min) , Matajurski vrh (2 h 35 min)
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