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Mountain ranges / Karawanks / Obel kamen (Olševa) / Podolševa (Rogar) - Obel kamen (Olševa) (west path)

Podolševa (Rogar) - Obel kamen (Olševa) (west path)

Starting point: Podolševa (Rogar) (1240 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.4398°N 14.6656°E 
Path name: west path
Time of walking: 1 h 55 min
Difficulty: difficult marked way
Difficulty of skiing: no data
Altitude difference: 671 m
Altitude difference (by path): 680 m
Map: Kamniške in Savinjske Alpe 1:50.000
Views: 2,340
Trip rating: 1 votes
Number of pictures: 50
Access to starting point:
A) We drive to Luče, and then we continue driving towards the valley Logarska dolina. In the settlement Solčava, before the bridge through the river Savinja we leave the road towards the valley Logarska dolina and we continue right in the direction of Podolševa and Črna na Koroškem. After approximately 5 km of the ascent, we get to a crossroad, where we go left towards Sveti Duh (right Črna na Koroškem), and then on Solčava Panorama road we drive to the spot, where the road branches off to the right towards the tourist farm Rogar. We park on an appropriate place near the crossroad. Parking in front of the farm is allowed for guests of the tourist farm. From the main road to the starting point, there is approximately 7.5 km.
B) We drive to Črna na Koroškem, and then we continue driving in the direction of Koprivna and Solčava. Further, we for some time drive through the valley by the river Meža, and then we go left in the direction of Solčava and valley Logarska dolina. Next follows an ascent to mountain pass Spodnje Sleme, and from there some descent to a crossroad, where we go right towards Sveti Duh, and then on Solčava Panorama road we drive to the spot, where the road branches off to the right towards the tourist farm Rogar. We park on an appropriate place near the crossroad. Parking in front of the farm is allowed for guests of the tourist farm. From the center of Črna na Koroškem, to the starting point, there is approximately 22.5 km.
C) Over the border crossing Pavličev Vrh we drive to Slovenia and we start descending towards Solčava. Soon after mountain hut Majerhold we go left in the direction of Podolševa and Solčava Panorama road. On Panorama road we drive for approximately 500 more meters further from tourist farm Strevc, which is situated below the church of the Holy Spirit. We park on an appropriate place by the road, on the part where the road branches off towards the tourist farm Rogar. From the border crossing Pavličev Vrh to the starting point, there is approximately 10.5 km.
Path description:
From the spot, where we've parked, we at first walk to tourist farm Rogar, and from there we continue on a marked path in the direction of Olševa. Above the farm a beautiful view opens up, and the path soon passes into the forest. Few minutes we are ascending through the forest and then we cross a macadam road, where from the left joins the path from tourist farm Strevc.
We continue in the direction of Potočka zijalka, Obel kamen and Govca. Further, we are ascending on a well-beaten and gradually steeper path, which higher comes to the national border. Next follows few minutes of a steep ascent and from the left joins the path from Austria.
We continue right and then follows good 10 more minutes of ascent and the path brings us to archaeological site Potočka zijalka.
We continue on a marked path, which on the right side bypasses the cave and with the help of fixed safety gear ascends on the right side of a quite steep gully. A little further with the help of iron spikes we cross the gully, and then we steeply ascend from the gully. Further, the path is still quite steep, and with every gained altitude meter also more panoramic.
On a smaller ridge path splits, and we choose the left path in the direction of Obel kamen (straight Govca). Next follows a steep ascent on a mostly grassy slope, which is higher overgrown by dwarf pines. When we reach the main ridge, on the first secondary peak we already notice first inscription box (inscription box of mountaineering club Skala), in which was in August 2018 only a stamp. From the first secondary peak follows a shorter ascent and we get to the next secondary peak, where next to the cross there is also the second inscription box.
We continue right, and the path leads us on panoramic border ridge of Olševa, where we mostly walk on the Slovenian side of the ridge. After few minutes of quite gentle walking the path steeply ascends and brings us on Obel kamen, which we recognize by the border stone with number XXII 1.
The starting point - Potočka zijalka 1:05, Potočka zijalka - Obel kamen 0:50.
Description and pictures refer to a condition in the year 2018 (August).
On the way: Potočka zijalka (1660m)
Trip can be extended to: Govca (Olševa) ( 30 min)
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