Poštarski dom pod Plešivcem - Plešivška kopa (Kozarnica)
Starting point: Poštarski dom pod Plešivcem (805 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.496°N 15.0125°E 
Time of walking: 1 h 30 min
Difficulty: partly demanding unmarked way
Difficulty of skiing: no data
Altitude difference: 609 m
Altitude difference (by path): 609 m
Map: Koroška, izletniška karta 1:50.000
Access to starting point:
From highway Ljubljana - Maribor we go to the exit Žalec, and then we follow the road in the direction of Velenje, where at the larger crossroad in the middle of the town we continue right in the direction of Slovenj Gradec. In Slovenj Gradec, near the gas station, we continue left in the direction of village Podgorje, Sele and Ravne na Koroškem. Further, we drive on a regional road towards Ravne na Koroškem, after that at settlement Vrhe we continue left in the direction of village Sele and church of St. Rok. From the church, we continue on the asphalt road, and a little higher it brings us to a crossroad, where a road branches off to the left, which leads towards hut Poštarski dom. The local road we then at the first crossroad follow right, and then soon, at the second we go left (both times direction hut Poštarski dom). The mentioned road, we follow all the way to hut Poštarski dom, where we park on a parking lot nearby.
The access is possible also from Ravne na Koroškem.
Path description:
From the mountain hut Poštarski dom we go on a macadam road on which leads also a marked path on Uršlja Gora. Already after few meters the path branches off to the right over Kozarnica, and we follow the marked path which leads on Uršlja gora over Kal. The road is steeply ascending but we soon get to meadows, and on the highest point, where a wide view opens up on Slovenj Gradec and Mislinja valley we notice a built chapel. The marked path here goes straight towards the farm, and we turn right on a forest cart track which gently ascends through the meadow. The forest road goes at first through the forest, and when we come, to a clearing the paths split. We go right ahead on the road which is usually better beaten as the road left, which ends in the forest. We steeply circle the mentioned clearing, and after a gentle ascent through the forest we come on a gentle terrain behind Ravnjakov vrh. Here the cart track descends a little, and before that we turn right into the forest and we go straight towards the ridge, which in front of us, we notice. The ridge is gradually rising towards the northern edge of Plešivška kopa. We all the time follow it and unlike the previous dark mostly spruce forest, are here mostly deciduous trees, so between slender beech trunks a view to the left reaches the entire upper part of Mislinja Valley. Then we cross the forest road, and immediately above it, the ridge widens and becomes a little steeper, because it blends with the northern slopes of the mountain, which suddenly rises straight in front of us. Left among spruce trunks are rising steep limestone rocky layers, and we look for a footpath which runs to the right. After the first uncertainty if we are on the right path, the footpath hidden under fallen leaves quickly becomes more distinct and obvious. Here we can't miss only in the lower part, the path splits and we choose the right, which is further ascending. We are ascending in hairpin turns past numerous uprooted spruce stumps and trunks, therefore because of a dense forest and shady slope, here is quite dark and cold. At the top of the steepness, when we already sense, that it will end, the path leaves the groove, through some forest grass and among young, and dense spruces ends on a less steep terrain. We just go straight, through the forest, again a little steeper among rocks entirely vegetated with green moss. Suddenly we find ourselves on a gentle forest road. We go there to the right and after few meters we come to a crossroad by which we see a plastic container owned by hunting family Slovenj Gradec. One path turns sharply left and we go straight and soon a wide road starts vanishing. And when we can only sense a former cart track, we again ascend a little, and when on the northern slope on the right among trees we see a wide view towards the valley Mežiška dolina, we turn to the left. We quickly step on the upper plain of Plešivška kopa and we again notice a footpath through a dense undergrowth. If we go left, after few meters we come on the eastern peak, we turn right and after few meters we step on the western about a meter above the plain rising peak or pile of limestone rocks, which seem like someone put them there. The upper part of is entirely vegetated therefore on the south we don't have a view and only among the trees towards the west we notice a tower and church on Uršlja gora. The view is completely different towards the north. Few meters from the peak above steep slopes and rocks, the forest is so thin, that we can enjoy with the view on the bottom part of the valley Mežiška dolina with Ravne and Kotlje and all the way to valley Labotska dolina above which reigns Golica.
We can descend on the same path, or we go also to the eastern peak, from there we descend a little and we come to a patch of a shrunken forest above the eastern slope and we enjoy also the view towards Pohorje, Paški Kozjak and valley Šaleška dolina in the middle of which reign chimneys of TE Šoštanj. Here we look for forest path, we follow it to the left and we get to the before mentioned crossroad where there is a plastic container. At the descent, we need to be careful, that we find the path of an ascent, because the descent on a rocky and steep slope could be too dangerous.