Rudnik v Topli - Končnikov vrh
Starting point: Rudnik v Topli (1080 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.4859°N 14.7647°E 
Time of walking: 2 h 30 min
Difficulty: easy unmarked way
Difficulty of skiing: no data
Altitude difference: 1029 m
Altitude difference (by path): 1040 m
Map: Kamniške in Savinjske Alpe 1:50.000
Access to starting point:
A) We drive to Črna na Koroškem (to here from Ravne na Koroškem or from Šoštanj through mountain pass Spodnje Sleme), and then we continue driving towards Koprivna. Further, we are ascending by the river Meža, and we drive by it to a crossroad, where the road into a valley Topla branches off to the right. The path ahead leads us by the stream Topla, and we drive on an ascending road to the parking lot by the entrance to the mine in Topla.
B) We drive to Luče (to here from Mozirje or from Kamnik over mountain pass Volovljek (Kranjski Rak)), and then we continue driving towards Logarska dolina. In the village Solčava we leave the main road towards Logarska dolina and we continue driving right in the direction of Podolševa, mountain pass Spodnje Sleme and Črna na Koroškem. Further road loses an asphalt covering, and after few kilometers at the crossroad in Podolševa we turn right towards Črna na Koroškem. The road which is further mostly ascending diagonally, eventually brings us to mountain pass Spodnje Sleme. From the mountain pass the road starts descending, and we follow it in the direction of Črna na Koroškem. When after few kilometers we descend to the valley, at the crossroad we turn right towards Črna na Koroškem (left Koprivna). On the main road we descend only for a short time, and then signs for valley Topla point us to the left on an ascending road. The path ahead leads us by the stream Topla, and we drive on an ascending road to the parking lot by the entrance to the mine in Topla.
Path description:
At the end of the parking lot, we get to a crossroad of two worse macadam roads, where we go sharply left in the direction of the mountain hut Dom na Peci. Further road crosses a clearing above the parking lot and only a little higher brings us to the next crossroad, where we continue right (left entrance in mine - 5 minutes). The path ahead leads us on the road which gradually changes into a cart track, and a little further it brings us to the next marked crossing.
At the mentioned crossing, we continue left (slightly right Dom na Peci) in the direction of saddle Knipsovo sedlo (on signposts Knepsovo sedlo) and further we are ascending on a grassy cart track. Higher, we join the rocky cart track which crosses slopes towards the left, and we ascend there to the spot, where signs for Peca and Knipsovo sedlo point us to the right steeply uphill.
Further, the path is steeply ascending and in doing so it crosses steep slopes towards the left (on this part it is especially in wet dangerous for slipping). After 10 minutes of a steep ascent path crosses a grassy gully, and then on the other side of it, it ascends even steeper. A very steep path higher brings us to a smaller vantage point, from which a beautiful view opens up towards Raduha. Only a little higher on a tree we notice a signpost, which points us to the left. The path ahead leads us through gradually thinner forest, from which occasionally a view opens up a little. Further, the path passes among dwarf pines, where the steepness starts decreasing. Follows approximately 15 minutes of easy walking and the path brings us on a saddle Knipsovo sedlo, where there are information boards.
We continue left (right Kordeževa glava) on a moderately steep path, which only a little higher joins the marked path from the ski slope Peca / Petzen (ski slope on the Austrian side of the mountain). We continue the ascent on a panoramic slope, and the path after few minutes of additional walking brings us on with grass vegetated Končnikov vrh.
On the way: Knipsovo sedlo (2012m)