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Mountain ranges / Posavsko hribovje and Dolenjska / Slovenski vrh / Slovenska vas - Slovenski vrh

Slovenska vas - Slovenski vrh

Starting point: Slovenska vas (468 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 45.6641°N 14.8259°E 
Time of walking: 1 h 30 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Difficulty of skiing: no data
Altitude difference: 573 m
Altitude difference (by path): 573 m
Views: 2,741
Trip rating: 1 votes
Number of pictures: 23
Access to starting point:
A) First, we drive to Ribnica, and then we continue driving towards Kočevje. After the settlement Mrtvice, we will soon come to a crossroad, where we turn right in the direction of Slovenska vas. Further, we drive through the mentioned village, behind it by the bridge we also cross a river Rinža. After the bridge, we continue right, and only few meters ahead we notice signs for Slovenski vrh. We park on an appropriate place by the road, possible also about 50 meters further by the next crossroad.
B) From Kočevje we drive towards Ljubljana, and then after few kilometers we turn left in the direction of Slovenska vas (right Stara Cerkev). Further, we drive through the mentioned village, behind it by the bridge we also cross a river Rinža. After the bridge, we continue right, and only few meters ahead we notice signs for Slovenski vrh. We park on an appropriate place by the road, possible also about 50 meters further by the next crossroad.
Path description:
From the starting point, we continue in the direction of Slovenski vrh, and the path goes from the initial meadow in the forest, through which it ascends on at first quite an overgrown path. After a short ascent, we quickly reach a cart track which we follow to the right, from there we go already after few steps left in the forest, on a well-marked footpath. Further, we are again ascending steeper, and then we reach a macadam road, on which we go few steps to the right, and then left on a steep cart track. On the cart track, we are ascending for few minutes, after that at few crossings we carefully follow the blazes. Higher, we again step on the forest road which we soon leave as well. Next follows for some time again more overgrown path, after crossing another road, we get to a marked crossing, where from the right side joins the path from Jasnica.
We continue in the direction of Slovenski vrh, on the path which in few minutes of additional moderate ascent brings us to the summit, on which there is a smaller antenna tower.
Description and pictures refer to a condition in the year 2016 (September).
Trip can be extended to: Ledenik (1 h 45 min)
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