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Mountain ranges / Karawanks / Konjice Castle / Slovenske Konjice - Konjice Castle (easier path)

Slovenske Konjice - Konjice Castle (easier path)

Starting point: Slovenske Konjice (333 m)
Path name: easier path
Time of walking: 30 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Difficulty of skiing: no data
Altitude difference: 182 m
Altitude difference (by path): 190 m
Author: bruny
Views: 3,044
Trip rating: 3 votes
Number of pictures: 16
Access to starting point:
From highway Ljubljana - Maribor we go to the exit Slovenske Konjice and we follow the road to the mentioned town. In the center of Slovenske Konjice, we leave the main road (we continue left) and we go somewhere towards the church, possible also towards the sports hall near of which we park on a large marked parking lot.
Path description:
From the parking lot at the church, we continue in the direction towards the west to the school or sports hall. Here somewhere we notice the first trail blazes which are pointing uphill and we continue in the direction of Konjice Castle (grad Konjice) or Konjiška gora/Stolpnik on a sidewalk, which is by the right side of the road. By the architecturally rich building of school Gimnazija Slovenske Konjice (right by the path) we soon reach the crossroad at the cemetery. We continue left along the cemetery and we soon reach the crossing of the mountain paths. We continue left on an easier path, right is a harder path, which has a description on this website for a long time. Next follows good hundred meters of an asphalt pavement and we finally continue straight on a forest path, partly a road. Left by the path there is a smaller former quarry, also a point of themed trail Zmajčkova pot. We continue on a little narrower path and a little left into a steeper part. Soon from the right joins a harder variant of the path and further it is of course a common path. Few more ten meters in the arms of the forest (deciduous trees mainly a beech tree) and a passage on a meadow cart track. We reach the forest road and we continue right slightly downwards, straight is Skala and Žička kartuzija. We can already see the destination, and we get to a crossing at a smaller wooden building, we continue upwards by a smaller gate for vehicles, to the left there is a path towards higher Stolpnik. Above the gate, we follow the road and we soon reach the destination.
Slovenske Konjice - Konjice Castle1
Slovenske Konjice - Konjice Castle2
Slovenske Konjice - Konjice Castle3
Slovenske Konjice - Konjice Castle4
Slovenske Konjice - Konjice Castle5
Slovenske Konjice - Konjice Castle6
Slovenske Konjice - Konjice Castle7
Slovenske Konjice - Konjice Castle8
Slovenske Konjice - Konjice Castle9
Slovenske Konjice - Konjice Castle10
Slovenske Konjice - Konjice Castle11
Slovenske Konjice - Konjice Castle12
Slovenske Konjice - Konjice Castle13
Slovenske Konjice - Konjice Castle14
Slovenske Konjice - Konjice Castle15
Slovenske Konjice - Konjice Castle16
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