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Mountain ranges / Karawanks / Stolpnik / Slovenske Konjice - Stolpnik (via castle)

Slovenske Konjice - Stolpnik (via castle)

Starting point: Slovenske Konjice (333 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.3372°N 15.4204°E 
Destination: Stolpnik (1012 m)
Path name: via castle
Time of walking: 2 h 15 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Difficulty of skiing: easily
Altitude difference: 679 m
Altitude difference (by path): 800 m
Views: 29,890
Trip rating: 2 votes
Number of pictures: 24
Access to starting point:
From highway Ljubljana - Maribor we go to the exit Slovenske Konjice and we follow the road to the mentioned town. In the center of Slovenske Konjice, we leave the main road (we continue left) and we go towards the church, near of which we park on a large marked parking lot.
Path description:
From the parking lot at the church, we continue on a sidewalk (towards the west), which after few ten meters brings us to a school, where we notice signposts for Stolpnik. We continue left on a sidewalk, which is slightly ascending and after a short ascent, it brings us to mountain signposts right next to the cemetery. Here we continue straight in the direction of the castle Stari grad on the path which leads us on the left side of the cemetery. On the top of the cemetery, we leave the road and we continue the ascent on a marked footpath which steeply ascends. After few minutes of the ascent, the steepness decreases and the path brings us out of the forest on a macadam road which we only cross (right - castle Konjice 5 minutes).
A wide cart track on which we walk, in few steps brings us to a crossing of paths, where a trail blaze points us left upwards. And after few ten strides the situation is repeated, the difference is that we don't continue on a cart track but on a footpath which is ascending through the forest. Higher, the path brings us to the next road, where we continue on the road ahead (left - Skala). When the road makes a left turn we leave it and we continue the ascent on a moderately steep footpath (cart track), which again ascends through the forest. After 15 minutes ascent, we again come on the road which we follow to the right. The road ahead runs past three crosses, and only a little after them we come to the next crossroad, where we continue right. We then for quite some time continue walking on the road which is at first ascending gently, and then in a moderate descent brings us to a crossroad. We continue straight upwards on a footpath in the direction of Stolpnik (left - Kamna gora, right - Slovenske Konjice, where we can descend), which moderately ascends. A wide moderately steep path, ahead runs through the forest, where we cross a smaller partly already overgrown clearing. After the clearing, the path for a short time entirely flattens, and then in a moderate ascent brings us to the summit, where there stands a lookout tower.
On the way: Grad Konjice (515m)
Trip can be extended to: Stolpnik
Slovenske Konjice - Stolpnik1
Slovenske Konjice - Stolpnik2
Slovenske Konjice - Stolpnik3
Slovenske Konjice - Stolpnik4
Slovenske Konjice - Stolpnik5
Slovenske Konjice - Stolpnik6
Slovenske Konjice - Stolpnik7
Slovenske Konjice - Stolpnik8
Slovenske Konjice - Stolpnik9
Slovenske Konjice - Stolpnik10
Slovenske Konjice - Stolpnik11
Slovenske Konjice - Stolpnik12
Slovenske Konjice - Stolpnik13
Slovenske Konjice - Stolpnik14
Slovenske Konjice - Stolpnik15
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Slovenske Konjice - Stolpnik24
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