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Mountain ranges / Karawanks / Stolpnik / Slovenske Konjice - Stolpnik (Zmajčkova pot)

Slovenske Konjice - Stolpnik (Zmajčkova pot)

Starting point: Slovenske Konjice (333 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.3372°N 15.4204°E 
Destination: Stolpnik (1012 m)
Path name: Zmajčkova pot
Time of walking: 1 h 45 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Difficulty of skiing: no data
Altitude difference: 679 m
Altitude difference (by path): 679 m
Author: Marx
Views: 15,457
Trip rating: 3 votes
Number of pictures: 46
Access to starting point:
From highway Ljubljana - Maribor we go to the exit Slovenske Konjice and we follow the road to the mentioned town. In the center of Slovenske Konjice, we leave the main road (we continue left) and we go towards the church, near of which we park on a large marked parking lot.
Path description:
From the spot, where we've parked, we first have to come to the cemetery, which is located a little above the town (we can also park by the cemetery). From the cemetery we go right (straight leads the path past the old castle) and we at first walk by the cemetery. When we get to the forest "our" path branches off slightly right downwards (if we would continue straight we would also come back on a marked path). When the descent ends, we get to an interesting waterfall, and the path over the footbridge leads on the other side of the stream. A little above the footbridge we return on the road which we left before, and we follow it to the right. At the nearby turn, we continue left and then the path returns into the forest, where it becomes pretty steep and almost demanding. For some time we get help from wooden stairs, and then the path turns right and for some time flattens. Higher, we cross the forest road, and the path further gets a more rocky grounding, and the forest for a short time gets thinner. When the path returns into a dense mixed forest, it again becomes very steep and on one spot we again get help from wooden stairs and this time also a wooden fence. Higher, the path flattens and brings us on a well maintained and wide macadam road.
Next follows a little less interesting part of the path, because we will about 20 minutes walk on the macadam road, and from which only occasionally a view opens up a little on Zreče and Pohorje. Further, the road brings us to a crossing Grofov štant, where join also the other path from Slovenske Konjice and also the path from Kamna gora and Stranice.
We continue in the direction of Stolpnik on a rough cart track which occasionally relatively steeply ascends. When higher the path flattens to the top separates us only approximately 15 minutes of a light ascent and just below the summit there is also a short steep part.
From the top, we can ascend also on a lookout tower, from which a nice view opens up on all sides.
Trip can be extended to: Stolpnik
Slovenske Konjice - Stolpnik1
Slovenske Konjice - Stolpnik2
Slovenske Konjice - Stolpnik3
Slovenske Konjice - Stolpnik4
Slovenske Konjice - Stolpnik5
Slovenske Konjice - Stolpnik6
Slovenske Konjice - Stolpnik7
Slovenske Konjice - Stolpnik8
Slovenske Konjice - Stolpnik9
Slovenske Konjice - Stolpnik10
Slovenske Konjice - Stolpnik11
Slovenske Konjice - Stolpnik12
Slovenske Konjice - Stolpnik13
Slovenske Konjice - Stolpnik14
Slovenske Konjice - Stolpnik15
Slovenske Konjice - Stolpnik16
Slovenske Konjice - Stolpnik17
Slovenske Konjice - Stolpnik18
Slovenske Konjice - Stolpnik19
Slovenske Konjice - Stolpnik20
Slovenske Konjice - Stolpnik21
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Slovenske Konjice - Stolpnik30
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