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Mountain ranges / Julian Alps / Grančišče / Slovenski planinski muzej - Grančišče (Ferata Mojstrana - Red)

Slovenski planinski muzej - Grančišče (Ferata Mojstrana - Red)

Starting point: Slovenski planinski muzej (658 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.4581°N 13.93597°E 
Path name: Ferata Mojstrana - Red
Time of walking: 1 h
Difficulty: extremely difficult marked way
Ferrata: C/D
Difficulty of skiing: no data
Altitude difference: 186 m
Altitude difference (by path): 186 m
Views: 36,240
Trip rating: 2 votes
Number of pictures: 49
Access to starting point:
We leave Gorenjska highway at exit Hrušica and follow the road ahead in the direction of Kranjska Gora. Just a little before the village Dovje the road which goes to Mojstrana (Vrata, Kot and Krma) branches off to the left. We follow the road ahead in the direction of valley Vrata, but only to Slovenian Alpine Museum. We park on a parking lot at the museum.
Path description:
From the parking lot at the museum we continue approximately 100 meters on the road towards the valley Vrata, and then we turn sharply right on the road (Pod Grančiščem), which leads towards the walls of Grančišče. The road leads us past few houses and then we will soon on the left side in the forest notice an information board about secured climbing paths.
We go left on a narrow path which leads past the mentioned signposts and after a short ascent, we come to first steel cables.
Right leads blue a little easier path, and we continue left on the red harder path. The path already at the beginning almost vertically ascends by the steel cable, which isn't entirely tight, therefore pulling on the steel cable is a little harder. The steepness then slightly decreases and brings us below the vertical ladder. Here we also cross the easier blue path. At the crossings where easier and harder path cross each other we follow red color on the steel cable. After the ascent over a vertical ladder, the path turns to the right and soon follows a little more demanding crossing where we get some help from stemples. Further, we are all the time ascending on an exposed path, which quite well chooses natural passages, and here and there we also get help from some stemple. On the path, there is still quite some dirt and sand and therefore exist also a danger of falling stones. Higher, we few times cross the easier blue path, and for a short time paths also join into one. We continue ascending on an exposed path with a nice view towards Mojstrana all the way to the end of the secured path where there is also an inscription box.
From the inscription box only a short ascent follows through a thin forest to a panoramic summit.
For the ascent on the described path it is mandatory to use a self-belay set and a helmet.
We descend on an easy path through the forest, which is marked with the sign „Mojstrana“. Climbing paths aren't intended for a descent.
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