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Source of Hubelj - Otliško okno

Starting point: Source of Hubelj (250 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 45.9043°N 13.9114°E 
Time of walking: 1 h 20 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Difficulty of skiing: partly demanding
Altitude difference: 550 m
Altitude difference (by path): 550 m
Map: Goriška 1:50.000
Views: 72,340
Trip rating: 4 votes
Number of pictures: 20
Access to starting point:
We drive on the highway from Razdrto towards Nova Gorica or vice versa and go to the exit Ajdovščina. Then at the crossroad (first traffic light) we continue straight in the direction of Col and Idrija. At the second traffic light we turn right, again in the direction of Col and we follow the road only few ten meters to the spot, where we cross river Hubelj. And immediately after the bridge we turn left in the direction of source of Hubelj (by the road we notice tourist signs). We follow this road to the parking lot at the source of Hubelj.
Path description:
Near the parking lot, we notice the beginning of the path towards the window Otliško okno. The path at first ascends on stairs and then goes into the forest, where it is for some time moderately ascending. The path then slightly descends and brings us on a panoramic slope from where a nice view opens up towards the slopes of Čaven. The path then goes into the forest and it quickly brings us to a bird house by which we notice a thermometer. And only few meters ahead by the path pleasant bench. Further, the path starts ascending and leads us past the spot, where the story is written about the origin of Otliško okno. And the path is then becoming steeper and steeper and soon brings us on rocky slopes. And the path is with every step becoming more and more panoramic and diverse. A little higher, the path brings us below window Otliško okno, which we already see on the right side. And only a little ahead we notice a sign for Malo Otliško okno. Malo okno (little window) is from the path distant only 10 meters and is worth seeing. The path ahead passes into an indistinct gully in the middle of which in Christmas time we notice cribs. On top of the gully, we come to the chapel where there are an inscription box and a stamp. Here we continue right in the direction of the window, to which we have five minutes of walking. Only a little before the window path branches off to the left towards stone snail, which is from the path distant only a good minute. From the snail, we return back on the path which we left and in few ten strides we come to information boards at window Otliško okno. From the signposts, we can descend to the window from which a nice view opens up on Vipava valley.
Trip can be extended to: Navrše ( 15 min) , Sinji vrh ( 55 min)
Source of Hubelj - Otliško okno1
Source of Hubelj - Otliško okno2
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