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Mountain ranges / Karawanks / Čofatijev vrh / Topla (Končnik) - Čofatijev vrh (via Šoparjev vrh)

Topla (Končnik) - Čofatijev vrh (via Šoparjev vrh)

Starting point: Topla (Končnik) (1155 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.48428°N 14.75762°E 
Path name: via Šoparjev vrh
Time of walking: 1 h 50 min
Difficulty: easy unmarked way
Difficulty of skiing: no data
Altitude difference: 451 m
Altitude difference (by path): 475 m
Map: Koroška 1:50.000
Views: 950
Trip rating: 1 votes
Number of pictures: 55
Access to starting point:
A) We drive to Črna na Koroškem, and then we continue driving in the direction of Koprivna and valley Topla. Further, we drive by the river Meža, where the path leads us past the turn-off to Podpeca, and from the main road we turn right at the crossroad, where signs for valley Topla (Dolina Tople) point us to the right. Next follows driving through the mentioned valley, where few paths on Peca branches off to the right, and on the road we drive to the homestead Končnik, or also a little further to a smaller crossroad by NOB monument (monument is right above the road), where we park at the appropriate place.
B) We drive to Solčava, and then we follow the signs for Črna na Koroškem. Next follows few kilometers of ascent, and then also some descent, so that we reach valley of river Meža. When we reach the mentioned valley, from the crossroad at the road sign 4 km, we turn left into a valley Topla. Next follows driving through the mentioned valley, where few paths on Peca branches off to the right, and on the road we drive to the homestead Končnik, or also a little further to a smaller crossroad by NOB monument (monument is right above the road), where we park at the appropriate place.
Path description:
From the crossroad by NOB monument we continue on the left road (road which leads straight at the nearby house ends, or changes into a cart track), by which we notice a sign, that we will continue on the forest road. The road quickly takes us on the other side of the stream Topla, where it splits.
We continue on the right road in the direction of Koprivna (left road leads to the hunting cottage), which is ascending through the forest and after few minutes brings us to the left hairpin turn, where there is also a smaller crossroad. To the left continues driving road towards Koprivna, and to avoid walking on the road, we go on the right road, from which already after few steps we go left on partly grassy cart track. After a shorter moderate ascent, the path brings us into the forest, where we join a wider cart track, and we follow it to the left. Further, the cart track has few smaller crossings, where we are choosing wider paths. Quite steep cart track near the wooden religious symbol (cross), returns on the before mentioned driving road which leads towards Koprivna.
We follow the mentioned road to the right, after that on some sort of expansion, where there is a snow gauge, we continue left, on a cart track which leads towards Šoparjev vrh. Cart track quickly passes into a dense forest and then we follow unmarked path to the nearby Šoparjev vrh, from which a nice view opens up towards Peca and Topla.
From Šoparjev vrh, where there is a larger clearing and to where lead few wider cart tracks, we continue towards the south to southeast, where we at first walk on a cart track by the edge of the forest, and the cart track quickly passes into the forest. Through the forest the path continues mostly on a forested ridge and the direction most of the time remains the same. At first the path is quite gentle, occasionally it even descends a little, and in the second part, the path starts at first lightly, and in the last part a little steeper ascending. At few crossings we follow the ridge path, on which we then get to a panoramic, but still a little vegetated Čofatijev vrh.
The starting point - Šoparjev vrh 1:15, Šoparjev vrh - Čofatijev vrh 35 minutes.
Description and pictures refer to a condition in the year 2017 (November).
On the way: Preval (1413m), Šoparjev vrh (1524m)
Topla (Končnik) - Čofatijev vrh1
Topla (Končnik) - Čofatijev vrh2
Topla (Končnik) - Čofatijev vrh3
Topla (Končnik) - Čofatijev vrh4
Topla (Končnik) - Čofatijev vrh5
Topla (Končnik) - Čofatijev vrh6
Topla (Končnik) - Čofatijev vrh7
Topla (Končnik) - Čofatijev vrh8
Topla (Končnik) - Čofatijev vrh9
Topla (Končnik) - Čofatijev vrh10
Topla (Končnik) - Čofatijev vrh11
Topla (Končnik) - Čofatijev vrh12
Topla (Končnik) - Čofatijev vrh13
Topla (Končnik) - Čofatijev vrh14
Topla (Končnik) - Čofatijev vrh15
Topla (Končnik) - Čofatijev vrh16
Topla (Končnik) - Čofatijev vrh17
Topla (Končnik) - Čofatijev vrh18
Topla (Končnik) - Čofatijev vrh19
Topla (Končnik) - Čofatijev vrh20
Topla (Končnik) - Čofatijev vrh21
Topla (Končnik) - Čofatijev vrh22
Topla (Končnik) - Čofatijev vrh23
Topla (Končnik) - Čofatijev vrh24
Topla (Končnik) - Čofatijev vrh25
Topla (Končnik) - Čofatijev vrh26
Topla (Končnik) - Čofatijev vrh27
Topla (Končnik) - Čofatijev vrh28
Topla (Končnik) - Čofatijev vrh29
Topla (Končnik) - Čofatijev vrh30
Topla (Končnik) - Čofatijev vrh31
Topla (Končnik) - Čofatijev vrh32
Topla (Končnik) - Čofatijev vrh33
Topla (Končnik) - Čofatijev vrh34
Topla (Končnik) - Čofatijev vrh35
Topla (Končnik) - Čofatijev vrh36
Topla (Končnik) - Čofatijev vrh37
Topla (Končnik) - Čofatijev vrh38
Topla (Končnik) - Čofatijev vrh39
Topla (Končnik) - Čofatijev vrh40
Topla (Končnik) - Čofatijev vrh41
Topla (Končnik) - Čofatijev vrh42
Topla (Končnik) - Čofatijev vrh43
Topla (Končnik) - Čofatijev vrh44
Topla (Končnik) - Čofatijev vrh45
Topla (Končnik) - Čofatijev vrh46
Topla (Končnik) - Čofatijev vrh47
Topla (Končnik) - Čofatijev vrh48
Topla (Končnik) - Čofatijev vrh49
Topla (Končnik) - Čofatijev vrh50
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Topla (Končnik) - Čofatijev vrh53
Topla (Končnik) - Čofatijev vrh54
Topla (Končnik) - Čofatijev vrh55
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