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Turški klanec - Mrzovec

Starting point: Turški klanec (1101 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 45.9888°N 13.8146°E 
Destination: Mrzovec (1410 m)
Time of walking: 1 h 30 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Difficulty of skiing: no data
Altitude difference: 309 m
Altitude difference (by path): 350 m
Map: Goriška 1:50.000
Views: 11,537
Trip rating: 1 votes
Number of pictures: 35
Access to starting point:
First, we drive on Lokve (to here from Nova Gorica or Most na Soči), and then we continue driving in the direction of Predmeja. Soon after the road goes into the forest, we will get to a crossroad, by which we notice a bench, table and some waste containers. Here we park on an appropriate place by the crossroad.
Possible is also access from the direction of Predmeja. In this case, we drive on the road in the direction of village Lokve, and a little after we drove through Mala Lazna we need to pay attention, because we will soon get to a crossroad by which we park (crossroad is located at a road sign between 8 and 8.5 km).
Path description:
Only few meters away from the table and benches, we will by a side road notice signs for Mrzovec, which point us to the left on a cart track. We ascend on the mentioned cart track, and which soon splits into two parts. We continue on the right cart track, and we follow it only 5 meters, after that on a tree we notice a faded signs, which point us to the left on a little narrower, but quite a steep cart track. After few minutes of the ascent, the path flattens and we continue right on a marked path which continues with some shorter ascents and descents. The path ahead runs through a dense forest and then it moderately ascends and it brings us to the nearby forest road. We follow the road to the left, and we walk there to the first crossroad, where blazes point us to the right on a narrower and with grass overgrown road. On the mentioned road, we walk to its end, and then on the left side of the turning point we notice the beginning of forest path which leads on Mrzovec. We go on the mentioned footpath, and which is at first moderately, and then steeper and steeper ascending.
Next follows approximately half an hour of very steep ascent, and then the path brings us on a quite overgrown cart track which we follow to the right. On the mentioned cart track we walk only for a short time because then blazes point us slightly left on a footpath which starts ascending towards the summit of Mrzovec. After less than 5 minutes of additional walking, we step out of the forest on an overgrown clearing, on which we only walk to trigonometric tower on the summit of Mrzovec.
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