Elevation: 3252 m / 10669 ft
Type: peak
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Views: 498,045
Popularity: 90% (348th place)
Description of mountain:
Ankogel is with 3252 meters among the highest peaks in its mountain group (Ankogel gruppe). Higher than it, there are only Hochalmspitze (3360m) and Großetendk (3317m). Because the ascent to the summit of Ankogel is shortened a lot by a cableway, which brings us over 2600m high, the peak is a very popular mountaineering destination. From the top that has a cross is a very nice view towards the main High Tauern, where we clearly see already mentioned Hochalmspitze, Säuleck and towards the west the highest peak of Austria Großglockner (Veliki Klek).
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