Elevation: 1534 m / 5033 ft
Type: peak
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Views: 307,110
Popularity: 72% (986th place)
Description of mountain:
Bjelolasica is a smaller mountain chain, which is situated on the eastern part of Velika Kapela. Its highest peak is 1534 meters high Kula, which at the same time is also the highest peak of Velika Kapela, mountain ranges which is situated between Lika, Mala Kapela and Gorski Kotar. From the top, which has an inscription box is a nice view towards Klek, NP Risnjak and hills of Velika Kapela. And in nice weather a view reaches all the way to Slovenia, where in good visibility we can notice Kamnik Savinja Alps, and towards the southeast over Velebit to Dinaric Alps.
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