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Mountain ranges / Prekmurje / Bukovniško jezero

Bukovniško jezero

Country: Slovenia
Mountain range: Prekmurje
Elevation: 189 m / 620 ft
Type: lake
Weather forecast:
Views: 253,578
Popularity: 67% (1185th place)
Number of pictures: 10
Number of paths: 4
Number of GPS tracks: 1
Description of lake:
Lake Bukovniško jezero is located on the southeast part of Goričko and is long 500 meters, wide to 200 meters and on the deepest part is deep more than 5 meters, otherwise from 2 to 3 meters. The lake was formed in the middle of 20th century, when they dammed stream Bukovniški potok. The original purpose of the dam was, mainly to stop high spring water, and during drought the water would be used for irrigation of fields. The latter never came true because fishermen start to use the lake for fish farming.
Today around the lake, which is a known tourist point runs forest learning path long a little less than 2 km, by the lake developed also fishing tourism. Surroundings of the lake is known also as energy point, and near the church of St. Vid is situated healing spring, which helps with head problems, mainly vision and hearing.
Surroundings within radius of km:
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Bukovniško jezero Bukovniško jezero Bukovniško jezero Bukovniško jezero Bukovniško jezero Bukovniško jezero Bukovniško jezero Bukovniško jezero Bukovniško jezero Bukovniško jezero
Dobrovnik - Bukovniško jezero 20 mineasy marked way
Bogojina - Bukovniško jezero (by road)1 h 45 mineasy unmarked way
Bukovniško jezero - Bukovniško jezero (path around the lake) 30 mineasy marked way
Bogojina - Bukovniško jezero2 h 30 mineasy marked way
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