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Mountain ranges / Škofjeloško, Cerkljansko hribovje and Jelovica / Church of the Assumption of Mary (Gora)

Church of the Assumption of Mary (Gora)

Country: Slovenia
Elevation: 987 m / 3238 ft
Type: church
Weather forecast:
Views: 235,436
Popularity: 65% (1254th place)
Number of pictures: 8
Number of paths: 4
Number of GPS tracks: 0
Description of church:
Church of the Assumption of Mary on Gora or on Malenski vrh, is situated south from 1051 meters high Malenski vrh. From the church, near of which there is situated an inscription box with an inscription book and a stamp, a nice view opens up on surrounding hills, most beautiful is the view on the nearby Blegoš.
Surroundings within radius of km:
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Church of the Assumption of Mary (Gora) Church of the Assumption of Mary (Gora) Church of the Assumption of Mary (Gora) Church of the Assumption of Mary (Gora) Church of the Assumption of Mary (Gora) Church of the Assumption of Mary (Gora) Church of the Assumption of Mary (Gora) Church of the Assumption of Mary (Gora)
Preval Hlevišče - Church of the Assumption of Mary (Gora) (by road) 25 mineasy marked way
Malenski Vrh - Church of the Assumption of Mary (Gora) 55 mineasy marked way
Dolenčice - Church of the Assumption of Mary (Gora)1 h 5 mineasy marked way
Preval Hlevišče - Church of the Assumption of Mary (Gora) (through forest) 25 mineasy marked way
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