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Mountain ranges / Kamnik Savinja Alps / Črnuški dom na Mali planini

Črnuški dom na Mali planini

Country: Slovenia
Mountain range: Kamnik Savinja Alps
Elevation: 1526 m / 5007 ft
Type: mountain hut, mountain pasture
Weather forecast:
Views: 557,350
Popularity: 94% (229th place)
Number of pictures: 6
Number of paths: 7
Number of GPS tracks: 0
Description of mountain hut:
Mountain hut Črnuški dom na Mali planini is located between Poljanski rob (1569 meters) and Bukovec (1552 meters) near the two more mountain huts. From tha hut, which is permanently open from June to September, otherwise on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays (hut is open also during all holidays), a beautiful view opens up on pastures of plateau Velika planina. And if we ascend on the nearby Poljanski rob (15 minutes), a nice view will open up on the highest peaks of Kamnik Savinja Alps.
Surroundings within radius of km:
Webcams in radius of km:
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Črnuški dom na Mali planini Črnuški dom na Mali planini Črnuški dom na Mali planini Črnuški dom na Mali planini Črnuški dom na Mali planini Črnuški dom na Mali planini
Planina Kisovec - Črnuški dom na Mali planini1 h 15 mineasy marked way
Kranjski Rak - Črnuški dom na Mali planini (below on road)1 h 35 mineasy marked way
Stahovica - Črnuški dom na Mali planini3 heasy marked way
Za Ušivcem - Črnuški dom na Mali planini1 h 30 mineasy marked way
Kranjski Rak - Črnuški dom na Mali planini (footpath)1 h 30 mineasy marked way
Kraljev hrib - Črnuški dom na Mali planini (via Škorenca, Kačjek and Gamsove streže)4 hpartly demanding unmarked way
Kranjski Rak - Črnuški dom na Mali planini (via Seliški rob)1 h 40 mineasy unmarked way, easy marked way
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