Croda Sora I Colesei / Arzalpenkopf
Elevation: 2321 m / 7615 ft
Type: peak
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Views: 76,530
Popularity: 48% (1860th place)
Description of mountain:
Croda Sora I Colesei or German Arzalpenkopf is 2321 meters high mountain, which is situated on the east edge of Sexten Dolomites / Dolomiti di Sesto. From the top, on which there is a cross with inscription box, a nice view opens up on the mentioned group of mountains and on High Tauern and Carnic Alps.
Surroundings within radius of
Webcams in radius of
Alta Pusteria,
Auronzo (Monte Agudo),
Innichen - San Candido,
Kartitsch - St. Oswald,
Monte Elmo / Helm,
Moos - Moso,
Moso / Moos (Stiergarten),
Padola (Talstation Padola),
Passo Monte Croce / Kreuzbergpass,
Rifugio Pendio Monte Elmo,
Sexten (Bergstation Hasenköpfl),
Sexten (Kabinenbahn Signaue),
Sexten (Rotwand Bergstation),
Sexten (Waldheimlifte),
Tre Cime di Lavaredo