Elevation: 722 m / 2369 ft
Type: church
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Views: 2,890
Popularity: 33% (2339th place)
Description of church:
Diga del Vajont is 261 meters high and 190 meters wide dam, which is situated in province Pordenone east from the settlement Longarone. A dam was built in the year 1961, known is mainly after catastrophic accident, that happened on 9th October 1963. Because of an artificial lake above dam, which soaked terrain that from the mountain Monte Toc triggered huge landslide and buried the lake. Landslide pushed water over a dam and large wave then flooded village Longarone in the valley of river Piava. In accident died 1917 people among them 487 children younger than 15 years. In the memory of victims by the dam they built chapel, and in the year 2015 for this purpose was made also secured climbing path Ferrata della Memoria, that runs through gorge below the dam. Mentioned accident in the year 2008 UNESCO declared as one of 5 biggest catastrophes of all times for which are responsible engineers and geologists.
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