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Dobogó Kő

Country: Hungary
Mountain range: Central Hungary
Elevation: 699 m / 2293 ft
Lat/Lon: °N °E 
Type: peak, mountain pasture
Views: 438
Popularity: 18% (2917th place)
Number of pictures: 4
Number of paths: 2
Number of GPS tracks: 0
Description of mountain:
Dobogó Kő is the highest and the most visited peak in the mountain range Visegradi Hegyseg north from Budapest. The peak is an outstanding vantage point. Towards the north a view opens up on Dunakanyar, long turn of river Danube and surrounding hills. On the summit, there is also a hotel and some catering facilities, and in the winter time the peak is also a ski slope. In the vicinity of the summit there is also a museum of history of Hungarian tourism.
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Dobogó Kő Dobogó Kő Dobogó Kő Dobogó Kő
Dömös - Dobogó Kő (Rám Szakadék túra)2 h 15 mindifficult marked way
Dömös - Dobogó Kő (Lukács árők)2 h 30 mineasy marked way
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