Durrenstein / Pico di Vallandro
Elevation: 2839 m / 9314 ft
Type: peak
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Views: 144,055
Popularity: 55% (1602nd place)
Description of mountain:
Durrenstein / Pico di Vallandro is high peak in Sexten Dolomites above the valley HochPustertal / Alta Pusteria with easy access and mighty view. On the summit, there is a cross and inscription book.
Surroundings within radius of
Webcams in radius of
Alta Pusteria,
Innichen - San Candido,
Monte Elmo / Helm,
Moos - Moso,
Prags (Skilifte Prags),
Rifugio Fanes,
Rifugio Pendio Monte Elmo,
Rifugio Sennes,
Seekofel / Croda del Beco,
Sexten (Kabinenbahn Signaue),
Sexten (Rotwand Bergstation),
Sexten (Waldheimlifte),
Taisten Pustertal,
Toblach (Skicenter Rienz),
Toblach (Trenkerlift),
Toblach - Dobbiaco,
Tre Cime di Lavaredo