Elevation: 2985 m / 9793 ft
Type: peak
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Views: 223,703
Popularity: 64% (1294th place)
Description of mountain:
Grosses Reisseck is the highest peak in eponymous mountain group in the eastern High Tauern. From Slovenia it is the closest peak, which exceeds the height of Triglav. Because of its height it offers breathtaking views, which reach all the way from Grossglockner, Hochalmspitze, Dachstein, to Triglav. The peak is an indistinct hill in the mountain massif, where numerous peaks reach higher than 2500 meters, therefore the views on this peak from the valley are veiled. Despite the high altitude normal ascent on this mountain doesn't cause bigger problems, because high below the upper part of Reisseck brings us mountain railway, and on the and the path we don't meet any greater steepness, precipices or steel cables.
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