Elevation: 3510 m / 11516 ft
Type: peak
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Views: 13,930
Popularity: 43% (2032nd place)
Description of mountain:
Hochfeiler (italian Gran Pilastro) is with 3510 meters the highest peak of Zillertal Alps and is located on the border between Austria and Italy. The peak is very popular among mountaineers because it is relatively easily accessible, to reach the peak there's no need to ascend on a glacier which in the Alps is a real rarity for such an altitude. From the top on which stands a bigger cross is a very nice view of a larger part of Zillertal Alps, High Tauern and Dolomites are also seen clearly. The first who ascended to the top were Paul Grohmann, Georg Samer and Peter Fuchs on 24th July 1865.
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