Elevation: 1061 m / 3481 ft
Type: peak
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Views: 18,050
Popularity: 44% (2008th place)
Description of mountain:
Ivanščica is with 1061 meters the highest and also the largest mountain in northern Croatia. Its broad ridge is long 27 kilometers from Lepoglava on the west to Novi Marof on the east. It is a ridgeline between Sava and Drava. Its former name was Očura, today it is named after religious order Ivanovci, who gave the name also to the biggest by the foot of the hill, Ivancu.
The mountain is almost entirely covered with a forest, and it has also some smaller cliffs. By the south foot of the mountain, there are also old castles, unfortunately today they are in ruins (from the west towards the east: Oštrcgrad, Belecgrad, Milengrad, Grebengrad, on the south side there is Pusta Bela and on the northern side Bela).
Despite a relatively modest height, the peak of Ivanščica is a nice vantage point, from which in good weather, we can see all the way to Triglav and Snežnik on the west, Dachstein in Austria on northwest, Budapest on northeast, Slavonia hills on the east and Kozare on the south. The mountain is a popular destination for mountaineers from Ivanec and surrounding villages and also mountaineers from Zlatar and surroundings, which is confirmed also by the many paths towards the peak.
Some people who believe, that Ivanščica is the highest peak of Pannonian part of Croatia are wrong, because the highest is Trdinov vrh / Sveta Gera on Gorjanci / Žumberak. A little below the summit there is situated the most important mountain hut Pasarićev dom, on the southern slope there are also mountain huts Majer above the village Lobor, Belečka koča below the old castle Belecgrad, Lujčekova hiža on Pokojec and mountain hut on Grebengrad.
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