Kamniška koča na Kamniškem sedlu
Elevation: 1864 m / 6115 ft
Type: mountain hut, bivouac, saddle
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Views: 1,126,228
Popularity: 100% (6th place)
Description of mountain hut:
Mountain hut Kamniška koča is located only few meters below the saddle Kamniško sedlo, which is located between Brana and Planjavo. The mountain hut which is open in the extended summer season also has a winter room. For a better view, we have to ascend on three minutes distant saddle from which we see valley Logarska dolina and in the gable of it waterfall Rinka with its Orlovo gnezdo (eagle's nest). A nice view is on Mrzla gora, Brana and Planjava. To the hut, which is part of the Slovenian mountain hiking trail runs a cargo cableway, which helps in the transport of food and other necessary items to supply the mountain hut.
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