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Mountain ranges / Goriško, Notranjsko and Snežniško hribovje / Koča Antona Bavčerja na Čavnu

Koča Antona Bavčerja na Čavnu

Country: Slovenia
Elevation: 1242 m / 4075 ft
Type: mountain hut
Weather forecast:
Views: 583,955
Popularity: 95% (177th place)
Number of pictures: 7
Number of paths: 7
Number of GPS tracks: 1
Description of mountain hut:
Mountain hut Koča Antona Bavčerja na Čavnu, is located south from Mali Modrasovec (1305 meters), on a little larger meadow. From the mountain hut, to which it is possible to come also with a car, due to the nearby forest, there isn't any nice view. With some effort we can through the treetops notice part of Adriatic sea, otherwise there is a nice viewpoint only 5 minutes of walking away from the mountain hut. From the viewpoint, a nice view opens up on Vipava valley.
Surroundings within radius of km:
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Koča Antona Bavčerja na Čavnu Koča Antona Bavčerja na Čavnu Koča Antona Bavčerja na Čavnu Koča Antona Bavčerja na Čavnu Koča Antona Bavčerja na Čavnu Koča Antona Bavčerja na Čavnu Koča Antona Bavčerja na Čavnu
Predmeja (tunnels) - Koča Antona Bavčerja na Čavnu1 h 30 mineasy marked way
Predmeja - Koča Antona Bavčerja na Čavnu (by road)1 heasy marked way
Lokavec - Koča Antona Bavčerja na Čavnu2 h 30 mineasy marked way
Predmeja - Koča Antona Bavčerja na Čavnu1 h 15 mineasy marked way
Kamnje - Koča Antona Bavčerja na Čavnu2 h 30 mineasy marked way
Stomaž - Koča Antona Bavčerja na Čavnu2 h 15 mineasy marked way
Vrtovin - Koča Antona Bavčerja na Čavnu2 h 45 mineasy marked way
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