Elevation: 705 m / 2313 ft
Type: peak
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Views: 131,028
Popularity: 54% (1648th place)
Description of mountain:
Lobnikov vrh is a forested peak above the valley Dravska dolina, which is located between the settlements Fala and Ruta. From the east, because of its distance from the main ridge of Pohorje, it looks lilke a solitary mountain. From the road Dravograd - Maribor it seems as the highest point of the forested ridge, which like a shoulder penetrates into the river Drava, which at this spot, makes a large turn towards the north. From the top towards the north, over Štiblerjev vrh (648 meters), there is descending a ridge, at first quite gently and then quite steeply towards the river Drava. On the south slopes, there are scattered mighty lonely farms and pastures.
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