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Mountain ranges / Karawanks / Ofen/Peč


Mountain range: Karawanks
Elevation: 1508 m / 4948 ft
Type: peak
Weather forecast:
Views: 667,457
Popularity: 97% (101st place)
Number of pictures: 13
Number of paths: 11
Number of GPS tracks: 1
Description of mountain:
Peč (also Tromeja) italian Monte Forno and german Dreiländereck or Ofen is 1508 meters high peak, which is located on tripoint among Slovenia, Italy and Austria. From the top, on which there is large number of memorial plaques in three languages, a nice view opens up on Juliian Alps, Gailtal Alps, Gurktal Alps, High and Lower Tauern and part of the western Karawanks. Slovenian inscription box and a stamp, is situated by the smaller cottage of the nearby transmitters. On Italian side of the peak stands a little bigger wooden cottage, and from the Austrian side almost to the top brings us ski lift of the nearby ski slope Podklošter / Arnoldstein.
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Rateče - Ofen/Peč (footpath)1 h 40 mineasy marked way
Rateče - Ofen/Peč (by road)2 heasy marked way
Korensko sedlo - Ofen/Peč (on marked path)2 heasy marked way
Fusine Laghi - Ofen/Peč2 h 15 mineasy marked way
Rateče - Ofen/Peč (eastern path, past bivouac and on footpath)1 h 45 mineasy marked way
Rateče - Ofen/Peč (eastern path, past bivouac and on mule track)1 h 50 mineasy marked way
Rateče - Ofen/Peč (western path, past bivouac and on footpath)2 h 15 mineasy unmarked way
Rateče - Ofen/Peč (western path, past bivouac and on mule track)2 h 20 mineasy unmarked way
Polja - Ofen/Peč (via Petelinjek)2 h 45 mineasy unmarked way
Polja - Ofen/Peč (via Kališje)2 h 15 mineasy unmarked way
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