Elevation: 3210 m / 10531 ft
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Views: 1,220
Popularity: 26% (2649th place)
Description of mountain:
Memorial near the Ötzi site is situated approximately 70 meters from the spot, where German hikers Helmut and Erika Simon in September 1991 (officially) discovered natural mummy of a copper age man with nickname "Ötzi" (also "a man from Tisenjoch").
In the view of good conditions in glacial area below the northeastern ridge of the mountain Fineilspitze, the corpse which is currently on display at the archaeological museum in Italian Bolzano, is since the discovery a subject of numerous analyzes, speculations and conspiracy theories.
Despite the fact that his prehistoric life, despite many years of research, still stirs the spirits, we know more about him than we do about any other man of his time: we investigated his eating habits and his medical condition, numerous arrows in his body indicate that he probably died as a murder victim, and items he left behind, bear witness to the everyday life of the inhabitants of the Alps in late 4th century BC..
The records on the memorial are multilingual, the latter suggests the idea of symbolic reconciliation on the brink of a long-running Italian-Austrian dispute over the ownership of the famous mummy.
To the monument, which is situated below the massif Fineilspitze and saddle Hauslabjoch (3283 meters), lead two marked and not very demanding paths, therefore it represents a popular excursion point, from which nice views open up towards the part of the group Schnalskamm in Ötztal Alps, deep into a valley Vernagt in South Tyrol and towards the high peaks of western part of Eastern Alps.
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