Elevation: 1558 m / 5112 ft
Type: mountain pasture
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Views: 250,588
Popularity: 66% (1198th place)
Description of mountain pasture:
Lopučnica is a mountain pasture, which is situated below plateau Zgornja Komna and above the valley Lopučniška dolina near the lakes Triglavska jezera. Mountain pasture Planina Lopučnica belongs among coldest mountain pastures in Slovenia, because at clear winter nights temperature often falls below -30 degrees Celsius. Reason, why cold descends on this mountain pasture is this. Mountain pasture is surrounded by high mountains, from which cold air, which is heavier than warm is descending downwards. Because this is the lowest point nearby cold air gathers on the mountain pasture. During windy days is the difference less obvious or there isn't any. Interesting is also, that on the bottom of the mountain pasture grows only grass, and higher also dwarf pine, and even higher also other trees. From the mountain pasture there is a nice view towards the surrounding peaks, which only rarely await a visit.
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