Elevation: 2599 m / 8527 ft
Type: peak
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Views: 136,517
Popularity: 54% (1629th place)
Description of mountain:
Porze is 2599 meters high mountain on border/main ridge of Carnic Alps, above the upper course of river Zilja. Rocky upper massif above green ridges gives an impression of Slovenian mountains. Proximity of similar high or a little higher mountains in good weather provides nice and wide views. Two not very demanding secured paths offer diverse approach to the summit in two or two and a half hours from the mountain hut and of course crossing of the peak in around four to five hours. In northern wall are numerous climbing routes. The easiest access from the mountain hut Porze (1942 meters), to which brings us well maintained macadam road from Obertilliach. On Saturdays and Sundays the road is open to the hut, otherwise only to the lake Klapfsee a good hour of walking lower.
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