Elevation: 1450 m / 4757 ft
Views: 266,887
Popularity: 68% (1134th place)
Description of mountain:
Račka vrata (door) is situated in southwestern wall of Velika Raduha, which is rising steeply east from Robanov kot. It got its name after the farm Račnik, which is located below it. It belongs among the biggest these sorts of attractions in Slovenia. It is wide 30 and high 25 meters. Breccia rock gives it on the west side a characteristic reddish color. Because of such structure the arch is very crumbly. Despite the size it is very hard to find. Through it leads only unmarked hunting path, and there are a lot of them on Raduha. In the winter on the arch there are huge icicles. Arch is passable but the bottom part is quite hard to climb, and the upper half is easier passable. From vrata (door) the view is quite modest. But from the arch above it, a magnificent view opens up. We can see Sveti Duh above Solčava, Ojstrc in Austria, Storžič, Strelovec, Krofička, Ojstrica, Robanov kot, V. Vrh, V. Rogatec, Menina planina, and above us the mighty wall of Raduha.