Elevation: 1507 m / 4944 ft
Type: mountain hut
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Views: 591,155
Popularity: 95% (164th place)
Description of mountain hut:
Ribniška koča is situated on Ribniško Pohorje between Mali Črni vrh and Jezerski vrh. From the mountain hut is a nice view towards the already mentioned peaks and hills above Drau valley. The mountain hut in ten rooms has 40 beds and also additional 25 common beds. The mountain hut is also a control point of Slovenian mountain hiking trail. Right next to the mountain hut is also a smaller ski center.
Surroundings within radius of
Webcams in radius of
Grmovškov dom pod Veliko Kopo,
Koča pod Kremžarjevim vrhom,
Lovrenc na Pohorju,
Lukov dom,
Radlje ob Dravi,
Ribnica na Pohorju,
Rogla (apartments Dandi – Jurgovo),
Rogla (Hotel Natura),
Rogla (Mašin Žaga),
Rogla (Ostruščica),
Slovenj Gradec,
Šmartno pri Slovenj Gradcu