Elevation: 3606 m / 11831 ft
Type: peak
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Views: 1,980
Popularity: 30% (2492nd place)
Description of mountain:
3606 (according to some data 3599) meters high Similaun is an important and popular peak which is situated in the group Schnalskamm in the southern part of Ötztal Alps. A border mountain which divides Austrian Tyrol and Italian South Tyrol, to a wider audience became known especially after the year 1991, when on its slopes German hikers discovered very well preserved natural mummy, named Ötzi. It should be noted, that strictly speaking the site is located directly below Fineilspitze and is from Similaun quite far, but a greater tourist and geographical exposure has contributed to perception that Similaun is "Ötzi mountain".
Although it is the seventh highest peak in Austria (fifth in Ötztal Alps) and boasts attractive geographical elements, already the normal path there often demands full glacial equipment, Similaun is rightly considered as one of the most easily accessible peaks in Eastern Alps, which exceeds the height 3500 meters. This is facilitated by a comfortable high mountain hut Similaunhütte (Rifugio Similaun), which is situated about two hours below the summit, and a lack of greater technical complexity. In the view of the above, Similaun represents an opportunity for an introductory tour into the high-altitude glacial world, which is also reflected in the high visit to the mountain.
The view from the peak is in nice weather rich and we can see most of the key peaks of Ötztal Alps led by Wildspitze, Weißkugel and Hintere Schwärze, dignitaries of Ortler Alps and Bernina group, western edges of Stubai Alps and extensive plains of South Tyrol.
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