Elevation: 272 m / 892 ft
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Views: 10,640
Popularity: 42% (2060th place)
Description of mountain:
Source of river Krka is located northwest from the settlement Krka in municipality Ivančna Gorica. Water flows on the surface at the artificial entrance into the cave Krška jama, and at a high water level, the mentioned entrance is flooded, at that time is also the cave Krška jama inaccessible. Krka after 94 km, at Brežice flows into the river Sava.
Cave Krška jama, which is located right next to the source of river Krka, is long 200 meters and wide up to 30 meters. The entrance fee to see the cave is 3 eur for adults and 2 eur for kids (data from the year 2016), and opening hours are published at the entrance into the cave and on the website of TD Krka.
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