Elevation: 3016 m / 9895 ft
Type: peak
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Views: 1,190
Popularity: 25% (2662nd place)
Description of mountain:
Sulzkogel is a panoramic and relatively quickly accessible three-thousander, which is situated above the known ski center Kühtai in Sellrain mountain range at the far northwestern part of Stubai Alps. Because it is higher than 3000 meters, and has an easy accessible starting point and is not very difficulty, the peak is massively visited.
Sulzkogel is the highest peak in the part of the mountain range, which is rising above Kühtai, and at the same time the second most northern three-thousander in Stubai Alps, it offers a wide and quaint view, where the views stand out on Ötztal Alps on the west, on the south and southeast situated Stubai Alps, mountain ranges Mieming and Karwendel on the north and towards Kühtai and the artifical lake above it.
Surroundings within radius of
Webcams in radius of
Hochoetz (Oetz),
Mieminger Plateau,
Oetz (Balbach Wiesenlift),
Oetz - Hochoetz,
Oetz Piburg (Kids Park/Schwimmbad),
Oetz Piburg (Piburger See),
Wetterkreuz (Wetterkreuzbahn)