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Mountain ranges / Posavsko hribovje and Dolenjska / Sveta Marija (Trška Gora)

Sveta Marija (Trška Gora)

Country: Slovenia
Elevation: 428 m / 1404 ft
Type: peak, church
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Views: 17,970
Popularity: 44% (2010th place)
Number of pictures: 8
Number of paths: 2
Number of GPS tracks: 0
Description of mountain:
Trška gora is one the most famous mountains of Vinske gorice, where on its south slope there are the most vineyard cottages in the world and where they grow excellent Cviček. The northern slope is forested. The peak of Trška gora is adorned by pilgrimage church of Mary's Birth, which was mentioned already in the year 1135 together with wine mansion (Weinhoff) and nearby vineyards. And at the foot of the Trška gora there is spreading a wide complex of Agricultural school Grm together with ampelographic vineyard. Trška gora offers a heavenly view on all sides, to Gorjanci, towards Kočevski Rog and valley Krška dolina, just below it there is Novo mesto, embraced in the green emerald Krka. Near Trška gora there are castles Hmeljnik, castle Stari grad and Otočec. Among the vineyards and vineyard cottages on Trška gora reigns a special poetic spirit, which inspired even such owners of vineyard cottages as composer Marjan Kozina, virtuosos of folk music Lojze Slak, Henrik Burkat – Henček, Franc Potočar and many others. On the top of Trška gora (428 meters) by the church of Mary's Birth, for centuries grow also linden trees. The oldest and mightiest, at the chest height had the perimeter of 830 centimeters. They estimate that it is more than four hundred years old and that it is the thickest linden tree in Dolenjska. It has a hollow trunk, where a large crowd of people can squeeze, the bottom is skillfully overgrown, and at the height of three meters, starts bushy green treetop, in the shade of which an ancient rocky table is awaiting the visitors.
Taken from the user "Zavod za turizem Novo mesto".
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Otočec - Sveta Marija (Trška Gora)1 heasy marked way
Otočec - Sveta Marija (Trška Gora) (via Stari grad)1 h 15 mineasy marked way
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