Svete Višarje / Monte Lussari
Elevation: 1766 m / 5794 ft
Type: peak, mountain hut, church
Weather forecast:
Views: 738,665
Popularity: 98% (69th place)
Description of mountain:
Svete Višarje is a pilgrimage settlement of Slavs, Germans and Romans. Already in the 16th century they named the mountain pilgrimage path of three nations, today it is called pilgrimage path of Europe. Church, which is dedicated to Višarska Kraljica (Queen of Višarje) was in the year 2000 renewed. And only few years later they made a new cable car on Svete Višarje. With the help of a cableway can get on Višarje also sick and elderly. Otherwise, the cableway was placed for the purpose of the winter ski center. Because in the surrounding of Višarje there are a lot of ski tracks, which offer idyllic skiing. Višarje is not just a pilgrimage center because the view and restaurants attract to the top also numerous tourists. Mountaineers for the destination like to choose an hour and a half distant peak Kamniti lovec, which offers a nice view towards the highest peaks of western Julian Alps. Holly mass is on working days at 10, 11 and 12, on Sundays and holidays also at 15h.
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