Sveti Primož in Felicijan (Osredek)
Elevation: 751 m / 2464 ft
Type: peak, mountain hut, church
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Views: 172,028
Popularity: 58% (1497th place)
Description of mountain:
Church of St. Primož and Felicijan in Osredek is situated on a panoramic hill somehow in the middle of the village, which consists of several smaller hamlets. Osredek is otherwise a settlement which is situated above streams Stara voda (Stara voda flows into Zala, Zala is the left tributary of Iška) and Črni potok (Črni potok is also the left tributary of Iška) and above the river Iška. Near the church there is also tourist farm Pri Ujčevih, where you will be hospitably received. From Osredek in good weather, a view opens up which reaches all the way to Kamnik and Savinja Alps, and in a little worse visibility only on surrounding hills, mainly the area above the river Iška and part of Notranjska.
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