Elevation: 1344 m / 4409 ft
Type: peak
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Views: 3,130
Popularity: 35% (2320th place)
Description of mountain:
Veliki vrh is 1344 meters high peak, which is situated above the ski slope RTC Jakec - Trije kralji. The highest point of the peak is located in the forest, but only few 10 strides east from the peak there are benches and information board of the path Urškina pot, from where over the ski slope a nice view opens up on the eastern part of Pohorje and towards the valley.
Surroundings within radius of
Webcams in radius of
Hočko Pohorje,
Lovrenc na Pohorju,
Mariborsko Pohorje,
Rogla (apartments Dandi – Jurgovo),
Rogla (Hotel Natura),
Rogla (Mašin Žaga),
Rogla (Ostruščica),
Slovenska Bistrica,
Spodnje Stranice,
Sveti Trije Kralji (Hotel Jakec),
Sveti Trije Kralji (Pohorje),
Vrhole pri Slovenskih Konjicah