Elevation: 2715 m / 8907 ft
Type: peak
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Views: 201
Popularity: 12% (3142nd place)
Description of mountain:
Sommerwand is a relatively long ridge, which is as a mighty rocky barrier rising above the upper part of the valley Oberbergtal and next to the ridge there is a hidden cirque, which has a smaller glacier Sommerwandferner, located between the ridges of Sommerwand and Knotenspitz.
Among several ridge peaks, for the tourists there are interesting only the highest and the lowest, Innere and Vordere Sommerwand; the latter is the only one, on which we can ascend without serious climbing or ascent on a glacier.
Vordere Sommerwand is situated on the northern edge of the upper ridge of Sommerwand. Austrians otherwise are not unanimous, which point actually represents the peak - on most older maps Vordere Sommerwand (geographically logical) is the point just at the end of the northern ridge at an altitude 2676 meters; the marked path to the summit ends just by the big cairn near the survey point. And on newer maps Vordere Sommerwand is on with a cross marked peak at 2715 meters, to which we get to after few ten meters of walking on a sharp, in parts secured ridge. The description refers to the latter version.
Vordere Sommerwand is otherwise a local mountain of popular mountain hut Franz-Senn-Hütte and one of the few peaks in glacial mountain range Alpeiner Berge, which is (at a least larger part) marked with trail blazes. From a small valley between Sommerwand and Knotenspitzen it seems as a barely noticeable end of the ridge, but it is proudly rising above the mountain hut and the valley Oberbergtal. To the top leads an attractive climbing path on the northern ridge (climbing to 3rd grade), and the marked path on the mountain leads on its eastern slopes. The peak offers an outstanding view on the mountain hut Franz Senn, which is situated below it, on the valley Obergbach, glacier Sommerwandferner and on the mountains above it and on the mountains in the surrounding of the lake Rinnensee.
Surroundings within radius of
Webcams in radius of
Bockkogel - Schrankogel,
Bremer Hütte,
Eisgrat (Stubaier Gletscher),
Mitterjoch (Fulpmes),
Neustift (Fernau Bergstation),
Neustift (Fernau Mittelstation),
Neustift (Murmele Bergstation),
Neustift (Schaufeljoch Bergstation),
Neustift - Hochstubai (Übungsland Krössbach),
Panoramarestaurant Hoadl-Haus,
Panoramasee (Fulpmes),
Schlick 2000,