Elevation: 2727 m / 8947 ft
Type: peak
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Views: 539
Popularity: 20% (2859th place)
Description of mountain:
Westerfrölkekogel is a 2727-meter-high mountain in the Goldberg mountain group of Hohe Tauren mountain range in Austria. It rises to the southwest of Hagener Hütte. The upper part of the ridge leading to the summit is one of the most erosive areas in Hohe Taurn with crumbling terrain, where the outer layer of the rock literally peels off as you step on it. However this pathless terrain is short yet caution is strongly advised. An excellent view can be enjoyed from the top, especially to Vorderer Geiselkopf to the north, mountain pastures and a valley Nassfeldalm and Sportgastein, and eternally white 3000-meter-high peaks in the vicinity such as Hochalmspitze and Ankogel to the east and Schareck to the west.
Surroundings within radius of
Webcams in radius of
Bad Gastein (FlyingCam),
Bad Gastein (Graukogel Bergstation),
Bad Gastein (Stubnerkogel Bergstation Südseite),
Bad Hofgastein (Schlossalm Funslope),
Burgstalleralm - Astental,
Eisseehaus - Hochwurtenspeicher,
Eisseehaus - Hoher Sonnblick,
Eisseehaus - Schareck,
Flattach - Grafenberg,
Hoher Sonnblick,
Kreuzkogel (Sportgastein),
Mölltaler Gletscher,
Sadnighaus - Astental,
Schlossalm (Bad Hofgastein),
Schlossalm (Kleine Scharte),
Schlossalm (Weitmoser),
Schwarzkopf - Weißseehaus,
Skizentrum Angertal,
Stubnerkogel (Snowpark)