Elevation: 3456 m / 11339 ft
Type: peak
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Views: 979
Popularity: 24% (2698th place)
Description of mountain:
Wilder Pfaff (Italian Cima del Prete) is a less distinct border mountain on the main ridge of High Stubai, which is situated between better known Wilder Freiger (3418 meters) and Zuckerhütl (3507 meters), the highest peak of Stubai Alps. Because of an easy approach from the west - mainly it is a long high mountain glacial walk, which still demands full glacial equipment and walk in a roped party - and because of the proximity of the ski slope "Stubaier Gletscher" the sixth highest point of Stubai Alps is quite popular: in warm summer and autumn days, on the top we will rarely be alone, although most of the mountaineers will continue on the nearby Zuckerhütl or descend on demanding eastern ridge to glacier Übeltalferner.
Ascents on three key peaks of Hochstubai - Wilder Freiger, Wilder Pfaff and Zuckerhütl - we can connect into one multi-day tour, which is considered high mountain classic of Stubai Alps. The ascent on the eastern ridge of Wilder Pfaff, which we quickly reach from one of the two high mountain cottages above the glacier Übeltalferner, at the final ascent on Zuckerhütl forms one of two key segments of this path.
Because of the height and above the valley exposed position, the very spacious Wilder Pfaff is a very nice viewpoint, whose panorama especially has one of the most beautiful views on the nearby Zuckerhütl, view on mountains above Übeltalferner and view towards the valley Stubaital and mountain chain above it.
Surroundings within radius of
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